Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday Night Leftovers

  • I am really enjoying being off work. I feel a lot better physically and emotionally. My hips and back don't hurt near as much because I'm not sitting at a desk all day, although some days I feel a little sore depending on what Grace and I did that day!
  • I am thankful that I am able to have this time with Grace before she has to share all our attention with a new little brother or sister. 
  • Zilla bought us a new stroller! We now have a Phil & Ted's Classic with the double seat. It's great because I can use it as a single stroller for the next couple months until Baby 2.0 arrives. Thanks Zilla!
  • I never thought I would be so excited about a stroller. We didn't buy one for Grace, we had one given to us which did the trick, but this new one is quite the upgrade. 
  • We went to the lake yesterday and there was an 8 year old girl there who was so sweet with Grace. She played with her for a while and Grace copied everything she did, it was so cute! 
  • We've been spending a lot of our mornings at the lake lately. Grace loves the water, and it's a great way for this preggo to cool down. 
  • Grace rarely puts up a fight when it's time to leave the beach (hopefully this doesn't jinx it). We swim and play in the sand for most of the morning, then come home for lunch and a nap. 
  • For more leftovers, go here

1 comment:

Danifred said...

So great to have a water loving baby!