Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tuesday Tune

This is a local band that Brian is really into lately. We all enjoy dancing around the living room to this song, and Grace often asks to listen to "the song Daddy likes" which currently means this one. Brian has been known to listen to a song repeatedly if he really likes it, so "the song Daddy likes" changes based on what he is playing all the time at home!

Visit The Tompkins Family for another Tuesday Tune!

Monday, March 18, 2013


I have to say, Grace has wonderful manners. Please, thank you, excuse me, bless you, she says them all. Once in a while we have to prompt her to say something, but she usually does it on her own. It's a great feeling when someone comments on how lovely your kid's manners are. Now we just have to make sure she keeps it up!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Old MacDonald Had A ...

Lately Grace has been singing Old MacDonald all.the.time. She thinks it's hilarious to sing "And on his farm he had a poop!" We've been trying to ignore it but the other day she broke out a new verse and I just had to laugh. "And on his farm he had a fart. With a s'cuse me here, and a s'cuse me there!" I thought it was pretty clever and couldn't help but giggle!

Saturday, March 09, 2013

Four Months!

This month:
  • Anna has started laughing! Just like when she started smiling, Grace can get her to laugh the easiest. Perhaps the only sound better than baby giggles is your baby and toddler laughing together. 
  • She has rolled from tummy to back a couple times. I missed the first one! I was in the kitchen and heard Uncle Johnny say "Oh, there you go, rolling around." I ran in and she was laying on her back. John said he would have yelled for me to come in but he didn't realize it was a new thing! 
  • Nighttime sleep is still good, naps are still almost non-existent. She will nap while laying on someone but still wakes up within 5 minutes of being put down. I'm hoping this nice weather keeps up so we can get some longer stroller naps!
  • Anna is still quite a content baby, despite her lack of daytime sleep. 
  • She still likes to be held a lot and I spend a fair bit of time wearing her in the Beco. 
  • She's moved into 6 month sleepers and is wearing 3-6 month clothes. 

Friday, March 08, 2013

On the Mend

It's been a loooong two weeks. Sickness has gone through out whole house but we seem to finally be on the mend. It started with Grace getting a cold which gradually got worse. We took her to the doctor and it turned out she had an ear infection. This is the second time she has had an ear infection with no fever, just cold symptoms (runny nose, cough). She was given antibiotics and is back to her happy self. Then Brian got sick with a cold/flu, then Anna was stuffed up (but thankfully didn't get much worse than that). I've been battling a cold all week and am finally starting to feel better.
I must admit it was tough dealing with a sick, whiny toddler and a stuffed up baby that doesn't nap, while being sick myself. I got frustrated and lost my patience a few times and felt like a crappy mom. But Grace gave me lots of snuggles and said "S'okay Mommy." When I told her I had a cold she said "You cold, Mommy? Get on couch, I get you a blanket." She is seriously the sweetest person ever.
I'm really looking forward to relaxing this weekend and getting out again. It's been a couple days since we've been outside to play! I'm really looking forward to sleeping tonight since Brian will be getting up with Anna. Thanks husband! :)