Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Rubber Boots

Anna is obsessed with wearing her rubber boots lately, regardless of the weather!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Why I Love Summer

Reason #97 why I love Summer: Both of my kids asked to have a nap today!

We spent the morning out in the yard since Brian took the van to go play ball, which I decided we would skip because it was supposed to be super hot and I didn't think it would be much fun for the girls. They spent the morning splashing around in their little pool and at the water table and after lunch, Anna marched into her room and started trying to climb into her crib. When I picked her up to get her changed she started crying and said "No, Mommy! I need a west (rest)! Get in cwib (crib)!" I told Grace she could finish watching her movie before her rest/quiet time (I had put Frozen on this morning for them so I could get a shower and get ready for the day) and after a few minutes she said she wanted to go lay down. Don't have to tell me twice! I haven't heard a peep from either of them. Maybe we'll hit the beach this afternoon!