Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday Night Leftovers

  • It's been a long week. Grace has been sick since Tuesday and she's been miserable, poor thing.
  • B is such a great Dad. Even though he's been sick himself with a chest infection, he's been home taking good care of our little snot monster.
  • He took her back to the doctor today. She thinks it's a virus which is why the antibiotics haven't been helping. We're to see how things go this weekend and bring her back in Monday.
  • Uncle Rob and Auntie Sharla are in town this weekend! We were hoping to take Grace swimming at the hotel but Grace definitely isn't up for it.
  • I'm typing this post on B's Playbook. It's taking much longer than it should!
  • Here's hoping for a relaxing, healthy weekend!
  • Find more leftovers here.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sick of Sickness

This winter has been hard on us for sickness. We were lucky for her first year; not so much as a sniffle! Since January, she's definitely made up for it. The latest - a sinus infection. The poor thing is snotty, coughing, and just not herself. We started her on antibiotics today, so I'm hopeful this will clear up quick!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

15 Months

At 15 months, Grace:
  • Is still a really great sleeper. She sleeps 12 hours a night and wakes up happy. I love hearing her little voice in the morning. "Da-DEE!" Once in a while it's "Mommy!" but she usually calls for B first thing in the morning. 
  • Sometimes still naps twice a day, but is moving towards one nap per day. 
  • Loves to talk! She learns new words every day and loves to copy what we say. 
  • Weighs around 23 lbs (I think). She wears 18 month size clothes, size 4 shoes, and size 4 diapers. 
  • Wants to run. It is so funny! If we chase her around the house she moves her arms faster and squeals but her legs don't move any faster!
  • Loves to read. She can often be found at her bookshelf, reading to herself. She will pull a book off the shelf and bring it over to B or I, and sit in our laps to read. She loves her Old MacDonald book and will bring it to us saying "E-I-O? E-I-O?"
  • Is a very smart cookie, if I do say so myself. She recognizes and knows the names of quite a few animals and what sounds they make, can point to most of her body parts and is starting to be able to do some of her puzzles. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Weekend at Zilla's

Gracie and I spent the weekend at Zilla's. B, Grampers, Uncle John, Uncle Mike and a few other friends were at the camp for the weekend for the annual guys weekend (aka Sausage Fest). Auntie Murr came to stay at Zilla's too! We drank lots of tea, sang while Zilla played guitar, and just enjoyed each others company.

Unfortunately Grace didn't sleep that well and ended up in bed with me both nights, and woke up earlier than usual. One morning I woke up to her kissing my cheek and nose, the next morning I woke up to her rolling off the bed! Poor thing. I felt so bad, but she was okay, only cried for a minute. She had a little bump on her head though!

We took Grace to the nursing home where Zilla works on Saturday. Most of the residents love seeing her and got a kick out of seeing her walk around. We went out for lunch at a new restaurant near Great Gramma's house; it was pretty good! We had a little visit with GG on Sunday before we headed back home.

Friday, March 02, 2012

Friday Night Leftovers


  • I think Grace is finally on the mend. It's been a rough few weeks with an ear infection, a cold with a lingering cough, and pink eye. I hope this strengthens her immune system and we don't see any more sickness in this house for a while!
  • Another bottom tooth has poked through. That brings her total to 12. 
  • I can't believe how much this kid loves hummus. Earlier this week I picked her up out of her crib in the morning and walked out into the living room. She pointed to the kitchen and said "hummus?" It's like she dreams about it and can't wait to eat it!
  • Yesterday, she literally cried for hummus. For breakfast. Sitting in her high chair with pancakes and fruit on her tray, yelling "hummus! hummus!" and there were a few tears! I brought the hummus over and she was all smiles, signing and saying "more!"
  • We're going to swimming lessons tomorrow!
  • We made chili in the slow cooker this week and it turned out great. We're going to plan a few slow cooker meals for next week. 
  • Find more leftovers here