Monday, August 13, 2012

20 Months

What's new with Gracie over the past month?

  • She still loves to dance. She will now ask us to put music on and dance by pointing to the record player and saying "dance! dance!" We've been listening to Grampers' old records a lot lately; Grace loves the Blues Brothers!
  • She's become more of a Mommy's girl since I stopped working recently. She wants to be held a lot, and whines if I leave the room. 
  • She is saying more and more 2-3 word sentences and will mimic anything we say. She remembers new words very easily and quickly. 
  • She has pretty good manners. She regularly says please and thank-you, and excuse me (which sounds like cue me!)
  • She's a water baby. She loves to swim!
  • She knows some numbers and colors. She will say "1, 2, 3" and then "8, 9, 10" She is pretty consistent with knowing if something is orange, white, pink, or purple. Anything else she usually says purple, but repeats the right color back after us. 
  • She recognizes quite a few letters. She doesn't always say the name of the letter, but she will pick out an M for Mommy, D for Daddy, Z for Zilla, G for Gracie, R for Robbie, S for Sharla, B for Baby and T for Theresa. She often gets other letters, but those ones are the most consistent. 
  • She is getting better about brushing her teeth. Most of the time. She does much better when B does it than me. 
  • Her favorite foods lately are still hummus and anything pasta, and she's also on a big grape kick. She loves cucumber and has just recently started to like broccoli. She loves oatmeal and raisin bran muffins. She still hates eggs, no matter how they're cooked. 
  • She likes to point to and rub my belly and say "baby" and she will give the baby kisses. 
  • When we ask her if the baby will be a boy or a girl, she switches up her answer but usually she says boy. We'll have to wait and see if she's right!