Monday, July 09, 2012

Our Not So Fun Weekend

On Wednesday night, Grace had a fever. I thought it was from teething because all that afternoon she had been chewing on her fingers, but was still her happy self. On Thursday, she had a normal breakfast but didn't want to eat lunch. I tried making her a smoothie thinking that something cold to drink might be nice on her teeth. That came right back up. Gross. 
Advil brought the fever down, but it came back up when that wore off. She didn't want to eat but was still drinking water and a bit of juice, and she still had wet diapers so we assumed she had the flu. On Friday, her fever was even higher. We gave her some Tylenol but her fever was back up within 3 hours. At one point her fever was up to 39.8°C and I started to worry. We headed down to emerg at the IWK around 10:30 Friday night. After waiting for them to call us up to register for what seemed like forever, I asked what was up. They couldn't find our information from triage. Lovely. We had to be triaged again, then we were told it would be a very long wait because there were 2 traumas that had come in. Grace was sleeping on B's lap and her fever had gone down with more Tylenol, so we decided to go home. 
At 5:00am on Saturday, Grace woke up asking for a drink. We gave her a few sips of pedialyte, which came right back up. Her fever was high again too, so we headed back down to the hospital. This time we got in right away. The doctor thought Grace might have a urinary tract infection, so we spent the next few hours forcing her to drink a syringe full of pedialyte every 10 minutes so that they could get a pee sample. It was awful. The poor girl was exhausted and just wanted to sleep. "No, no, I seep! I seep!" 
Eventually, she peed, and it looked like there was an infection, but now they needed a sterile sample. We tried to get Grace to sit on a potty to pee, but she wasn't having that and just wanted to be held. I couldn't force her to sit there. 
She ended up getting a catheter put in to get a sterile sample. She was given a drug that made her pretty dopey and that would cause her not to remember the experience (the effects lasted about 20-30 minutes). It sounds king of scary but I had a similar medication when I broke my arm when I was around 13 and they had to reset it. It was tough watching them put the catheter in, but it was fairly quick and it was in and out. 
Finally they confirmed it was a UTI, and we were given some antibiotics and allowed to go home. Grace still had a bit of a fever and threw up yesterday morning, but I can see a huge difference in her today. She is currently having a nap but she was playing this morning and was pretty much back to her usual self. She had a small breakfast and was asking for hummus, so we know she's feeling better! 

1 comment:

The Tompkins Family said...

Stressful! So glad she's on the mend!