Friday, July 13, 2012

19 Months

At 19 months, Grace:

  • Loves being outside. As soon as we get her dressed in the morning she starts asking "outside? up the stairs?" We only have the one set of stairs in our house from the front door to the main part of the house, so she knows going down the stairs means going outside. She always says "up the stairs" whether she means down or up. 
  • Loves music and loves to dance. 
  • Is a bit of a picky eater lately, but I'm wondering if sometimes it's just because of the heat. She will still polish off an adult size plate of spaghetti, though. 
  • Her hair is getting long! We are this close to being able to tuck her bangs behind her ears. 
  • Has a current obsession with sticking out her tongue and making a pffft noise. It was cute at first but now we are really trying to discourage it. It's no fun when she does it with a mouthful of food. 
  • Has a huge vocabulary. She will try repeating anything and remembers words very easily. 
  • Is starting to recognize some letters, in a way. She doesn't always say what the letter is called, but she will point to the letter M and say Mommy, point to D and say Daddy, point to G and say Dacie (how she says Gracie) and a few others. 
  • Does the little pat on the back when she gives you a hug. I'm not sure where she picked that up because neither B nor I do that, but it's cute. 
  • Loves playing with her soccer ball and Jimmy, her little rocking horse (named by Great Aunt MaryAnne). 
  • Is wearing 18 month size clothes, size 5 shoes, and size 5 diapers. 

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