Monday, July 16, 2012


We get the keys to our new house in 3 days. 3 days!! I can't believe we'll be moving in to our very own house this weekend. It seemed like we were waiting forever from the time our offer was accepted, but now it's like it came so fast! We still have some packing to do but we're getting there.
I'm really excited to move, but I also have some mixed feelings about leaving this place. I really like it here in a lot of ways. We've lived here for years. When I first moved in with B it was into the basement apartment of this house, and we've been living in the top half of the house for almost 5 years. I really like this house, but we're outgrowing it, especially with Baby 2.0 on the way! This is the house we brought Grace home to, so it will always have a special place in our hearts because of that. I'm also really going to miss being so close to Great Aunts Theresa and MaryAnne, and Auntie Murr; but it will be great to be living close to Zilla and Grampers. And Uncle Johnny and Auntie Becky will be just down the road! They're moving into their new house this week as well.
I guess I'm just feeling emotional about the whole thing! I blame the pregnancy hormones.

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