Monday, December 19, 2011

O Christmas Tree!

We finally got our Christmas tree on Saturday! We didn't want to decorate until after Grace's birthday party, and we went to visit B's family the weekend after that, so we just got around to decorating this past weekend.

We bundled Grace up on Saturday afternoon and walked one street over to a house in our neighborhood that was selling Christmas trees. We picked out our tree and had it delivered to our house.

B and I had a nice evening decorating after Grace went to bed. The next morning she was pointing at the tree and saying "wassat?" So far, she doesn't try to touch it much but she loves looking at it, pointing at it, and saying "oooohhh!"

We helped decorate Zilla and Grampers tree yesterday. This year they cut a tree down from outside our camp so it's far from perfect but is extra special. I love decorating their tree because the majority of decorations are handmade, most of them by my sister, brothers and I when we were kids. I can't wait until our tree is covered with ornaments that Grace made!

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