Friday, December 02, 2011

Friday Night Leftovers

  • Tomorrow is Grace's first birthday party! (The first of two. We're having a second party next weekend for B's side of the family). 
  • We'll be running errands this afternoon to get a few last minute things that we need. Good thing Grace is a good little shopper!
  • We had a great day yesterday with Uncle Mike and Uncle John. John came over for lunch, and then we all went shopping. 
  • Grace seems to be coming around and starting to eat meat. (I hope I don't jinx it). This week she's eaten chicken, steak, ground turkey, and beef in a stew. Yesterday she actually ate all the meat on her tray first before her veggies!
  • We're starting the transition to homo milk. I gave Grace some in her sippy cup yesterday, and she had a few sips. She will drink water out of her sippy cup, no problem. But she'll hardly drink any formula or milk out of it. 
  • Surprisingly, I am almost done my Christmas shopping! I usually haven't even started by the beginning of December. 
  • If you need more leftovers, find them here!


Mrs. B. said...

Hope you guys have a great time tomorrow! Can't believe how fast the year has gone! And glad to hear Grace is coming around on the eating front... Ny refuses to eat anything but puffs, I swear.

The Tompkins Family said...

Happy Birthday to Grace in about 3.5 hours!!