Sunday, August 14, 2011

Wedding Weekend!

My little brother is a married man! I am so happy for the newlyweds. It was a gorgeous day, a beautiful ceremony and such a fun party!

Meme and Papa came up on Friday night to spend some time with Grace before babysitting on Saturday night. We took Grace down to the Public Gardens on Friday afternoon and had a nice walk around. Grace had a little snooze in her stroller while we had some lunch - yummy chip wagon french fries.

B and I took Grace to Zilla's early on Saturday so she could have a decent nap there before the wedding. We were hoping to spend some time with her twin cousins, but T was sick so both boys stayed home with their Nana. It was a hot day, but I'm glad it was sunny for the big day. Uncle J was such a handsome groom, and his bride looked stunning! Grace was great during the ceremony. She started to fuss a little bit so B took her for a little walk outside; she had a burp and was quite content when he brought her back in. Meme and Papa picked her up afterwards and B and I had a great time at the reception. I love partying with my family! We always have so much fun.

A group of us went for a swim this morning and it was lovely; so refreshing after a night out.

Gracie and B are both napping right now ... perhaps I will go join them!

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