Saturday, August 20, 2011

Cooking - Making Progress

I posted here that I wanted to start cooking more so that B isn't always the one making supper. Well, I've been trying! Last week I cooked pork chops with roasted potatoes and green beans, which was actually really good. Despite the fact that I don't like cooking, I love watching the Food Network. I like Michael Smith and he usually cooks meals that are simple and don't require a lot of ingredients that I wouldn't normally have, so I decided to browse some of his recipes and try something new.
I made his Kung Pao Chicken. It was good (not great), but I think I can tweak it to make it better. 
B likes prosciutto and we both like pesto, so a few nights ago I tried Pesto Stuffed Chicken wrapped in Prosciutto. I cheated a little and didn't make my own pesto, but it was still good, and really easy. 
The meal planning kind of fell by the wayside because we were busy with family visiting from out of town and all the wedding festivities. I do still plan on trying a weekly meal plan and see how it works for us.
I'm hoping to try a couple new dishes this week. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

The Tompkins Family said...

Way to go! Can't wait to hear more of the dishes you're trying!