Thursday, May 23, 2013

Sign Language

Grace and I took a baby sign language class when she was 6 months old. I loved it. The instructor was lovely, we learned a ton of signs, and lots of cute little songs to help teach them. Within a couple months Grace was signing milk, more, and all done. She picked up a few more signs but when she started talking her vocabulary just exploded and I didn't keep up with signing.

When I was pregnant with Anna, I had big plans to start signing to her right from the start. How's that been going? It hasn't. Big fail on my part. I haven't been signing to her at all! But I plan to change that, starting now. I'm going to get Grace to help me teach Anna. We'll start with milk and more, like we did with Grace, and move on from there. It was so awesome when Grace started signing to us and could kind of tell us what she wanted/needed before she could talk; I want to give Anna that opportunity too! 

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