Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thankful on Thursday

Today (and everyday, really) I am thankful for Grace's great aunts. Some live nearby, some not so much but they are all always there for Grace, and us.

This past week, Great Aunt M-A took care of Grace on Monday afternoon. Grace was sick so we decided to keep her home from daycare, but since I just started back to work and B was working evenings, we didn't want to call in sick if we could help it. Grace and M-A had a great afternoon, and Grace learned a new word - birdie! She is now always pointing out the window, looking for birdies. She is also trying really hard to say M-A's name. Great Aunt T picked Grace up from daycare today and is doing so again tomorrow. Grace has been trying to say her name too. They had a fun afternoon together!

Between Grace being sick and me going back to work, having family around to help us out when we need it is awesome. I know that Grace's great aunts that live farther away would do the same in a heartbeat if they were closer.

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