Monday, January 02, 2012

Goals for 2012

We rang in the new year with family and a couple close friends. We spent the night at Zilla and Grampers' house, had lots of snacks, had a few drinks, played cards and Jenga. B bought a bunch of fireworks and set them off at midnight; Grace slept through everything!

I've never really been one to make New Year's resolutions, but I do have some things I'd like to accomplish this year. Maybe if I write them here I'll be more likely to stick to them!

 - Print and frame more photos.

 - Mail birthday cards to family and friends.

 - Try a new recipe once a month.

1 comment:

The Tompkins Family said...

I could definitely stand to do your first goal!

Your goals are great and seem attainable. You'll have to post your new recipe of the month so we can all try it too!