Monday, May 05, 2014

Some Monday Ramblings

  • Two Friday's ago, Grace and I spent the evening with some friends we hadn't seen in ages. It was great to catch up with Angela, and it was so cute watching Grace and Gabriella catch up with each other too!
    "I'm three years old, how old are you?" "I'm three years old too! My favorite color is purple, what's your favorite color?" "I like purple, and pink, and black." We went out for supper and then to Stars on Ice. We ended up leaving during the intermission because it was late but everyone enjoyed the first half of the show. 
  • Anna is getting braver at the playground and on the slides/climbers in our yard. I try to just let her find her own way but sometimes she plops down on her bum to scoot towards the slide and she's right on the edge almost falling over backwards! 
  • I love how much Grace and Anna love their baby cousins. They are so sweet and loving with Madeline and Kamryn. Yesterday Anna jammed Kam's finger in the drawer of their little cash register. Kam started wailing and I think Anna realized that she had something to do with it and then she started crying! Poor girls were both so upset!
  • Anna has started copying Kamryn's laugh, it's so cute! Her laugh sounds kind of like a little cough. Anna will say "KamBam laugh" and then impersonate it. So funny. 
  • I went out for brunch on Saturday with my sister and our friend Jenn. With no kids! It was so nice. 
  • We spent the rest of the day at the camp with Zilla and Bampers. The girls loved exploring around the camp, throwing rocks in the brook, and blowing bubbles. The deck is pretty rotten and is going to be replaced, so we were telling the girls to be careful and trying to keep Anna away from all the really soft spots. Despite our efforts, she fell through! Thankfully she wasn't hurt, just a little scared. Zilla is going to order all the supplies for the new deck this week! 
  • Brian was in a softball tournament all weekend so we went to watch a game yesterday morning. They lost and were out of the tournament after that, so after a little visit with Korryn, Mike, and KamBam, I took the girls home for some much needed naps. They both slept for several hours! I hung out on the deck for a while with my book. It was a lovely weekend!

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