Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Anna's Favorite Tunes

Anna can be quite demanding when she wants to listen to a song. We have music going all day, usually a radio station playing through the TV using the Apple TV. As soon as I hook the laptop up to the TV to use YouTube, Anna starts her demands:

"No one! No one!" - She has loved the song No One by Alicia Keys since she was very young.

"Happy! Happy, Mommy! Happy!" - Happy by Pharrell gets her dancing. I like this song too but Anna would listen to it on repeat all day if we let her. I can see myself getting sick of this song pretty soon.

"All sing lays" - I like hearing her request this one the best. "Single Ladies" by Beyonce. Anna will shake her little bum and wave her hand around like in the video, it's hilarious.