Monday, March 17, 2014


Some cute/fun/sweet/great things that happened yesterday:

  • We had a girls day out; just me, Grace, and Anna. We went shopping for rubber boots for Anna (which we didn't find. Why is it impossible to find rubber boots in a toddler size 4?), went to the Farmer's Market, and visited G.G. and Zilla. 
  • I think Great Gramma was really happy to see us. We haven't seen her in a while because it seems like at least one of us has had a cold all winter and we don't want to get G.G. sick. We need to get out to visit her more often. 
  • Grace said "You know what, Mommy? I love you." So sweet. 
  • While we were in the car Anna kept reaching out to Grace and Grace was tickling her palm. Anna kept going back for more and I loved listening to the giggles coming from the backseat. 
  • Brian made a big pot of spaghetti sauce while we were out so we had a delicious supper that the girls just devoured - it's their favorite! 
  • Some extra long bedtime snuggles with each of the girls. 

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