Tuesday, December 10, 2013

November = Blog Fail

Evidently, I failed at blogging in November. Not a single post. And now we're almost halfway through December! Seriously, where does the time go??

We've had a lot going on and we've been pretty busy and I just haven't found the time to finish any blog posts - but I have several started! There's also been a lot of sickness running through out house over the past month. A urinary tract infection (Anna), colds (all of us, at different times), ear infection (Anna), and the stomach flu (me). It was rough.

I'm determined to make more of an effort going forward. I have a lot to write about! I often feel guilty when I don't post much because the whole point of this blog is to record things that happen in our lives for the girls to look back on later. I will post more in the coming days/weeks! I might even backdate a few posts so they're in the right spot when we look back at them later on.

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