Friday, December 13, 2013

Happy Birthday Gracie!

Dear Grace,

Today you are three! These past three years have flown by and you've grown into a smart, funny, caring young girl. You are such a joy to be around and you always make us laugh. You have such a big heart. You are very caring and very in tune with people's feelings. You notice if someone seems upset and are quick to give a hug or a snuggle.

I love waking up to the sound of your little footsteps coming into our room in the morning. Most mornings, you're dragging your stinky old blankie behind you and carrying one of your stuffed animals.Daddy and I love our morning snuggles with you. We usually try to get Anna to snuggle in with us too, but she thinks it's party time when she's in the big bed. It's fun to watch you be the first one to go into Anna's room in the morning - you can see the love in her little face when she looks at you; it's so sweet.

You are an amazing big sister. It is so lovely to see you and Anna play together and you are (almost) always patient and gentle with her. It's so fun to see you helping to teach Anna new things and you're always proud when she does new things like say a new word, or start walking.

You're a smart cookie and you're always surprising us with what you're going to say. Your vocabulary and comprehension is amazing and you've got a great imagination. You tell great stories and love to joke around and be silly.

Gracie, you are one incredible little person. You bring so much happiness and laughter to our lives, and to those around you. You showed me what unconditional love really is. Although in some ways I want you to stay little forever, I also can't wait to watch you grow.

Happy Birthday, my beautiful girl! I love you more than you will ever know and I am so lucky to be your mama!

1 comment:

The Tompkins Family said...

Can't believe these girls are 3 already! Happy
Birthday Gracie!