Sunday, December 22, 2013

Madeline Christine

Grace and Anna are so pleased to have a new cousin! Auntie Murr finally had her baby (I say finally because it was a running joke all throughout Murr's pregnancy that this baby would be late and, sure enough, 11 days after her due date she made her appearance). I know it was a long time coming for Murr and Matt especially, but I felt like Murr was pregnant forever! I couldn't wait to find out whether I would have a new niece or nephew and couldn't wait to meet him or her!

Madeline was born at 10:06 am on Friday morning, December 20th. She weighed in at 10lbs 12oz! Making her the biggest so far of all of the cousins.

It makes me happy that the girls have cousins so close in age! Brian and I have been so lucky to gain two new nieces this year.

Here's a pic of cousin Kamryn too! She doesn't seem so little anymore...

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