Monday, June 03, 2013

Potty Training

We had been talking about potty training for a few weeks. Grace has been using the potty for some time now when she wanted to (usually before her bath, when she had some naked time) but we hadn't been pushing it. I knew she was ready, and has been ready for a little while but I didn't want to start when Anna was really small because I needed to be able to give Grace more attention. With Anna able to entertain herself a bit now, we figured it was time. Two weeks ago I read the 3 Day Potty Training guide and was thinking about giving it a try. The next day, Grace said she didn't want to wear a diaper and wanted to wear her big girl underwear so we just went with it.

She's been doing really well! We didn't follow the 3 day guide, but took some aspects of it and we're sort of doing our own thing. She had an accident on the first and second day but all other pees and poops have been on the potty. Well, besides an accident when Bampers and Zilla were babysitting, but I think that was just because she was too busy having fun and forgot to tell them she had to go. She uses both the little potty and her Dora potty seat on the big toilet. She is very proud to have her "very own potty seat!" 

I put a pull-up on her overnight, but she naps without one. I still put a pull-up on her when we go out but she is almost always dry and tells me when she needs to go. I think we might start going without pull-ups for outings this week and see how it goes. 

A notable potty training milestone - using an outhouse! We went to the camp for the day on Saturday and brought the potty seat with us and Grace used the outhouse 3 times. I was a little worried that she wouldn't want to, but she was quite excited about it. 

We're well on our way to being completely potty trained!

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