Monday, February 06, 2012

Slow Cooker Success

We had our first slow cooker meal tonight! B bought one last week; we had been talking about getting one since I went back to work, and he saw one on sale while he was out and picked it up.

I must admit, I thought about the slow cooker a lot at work today. I have a thing about making sure small appliances are unplugged before I leave the house - the hair dryer, flat iron, Tassimo, etc. I couldn't help but worry that something would go wrong with the slow cooker while we were out! (And I'm not usually a worrier).

I came home to a yummy smelling house and a great supper that was ready as soon as we got in the door. Grace enjoyed it, and so did Mommy and Daddy. I'll be on the hunt for slow cooker recipes now! Hello Pinterest!