Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sleeping In?

Does 7:45am count as sleeping in? 

Grace went to Zilla and Grampers' house yesterday for a sleepover. B and I spent the afternoon cleaning the house - I'm talking moving furniture, cleaning out kitchen drawers, the works. We went to our favorite Thai restaurant for supper then came home, relaxed, and watched a movie. We were both looking forward to sleeping in, even though B expressed his doubts that I would sleep in at all. It seems I am incapable of sleeping in, even when there is no baby in the house to wake us up! 

I woke up several times this morning and refused to look at the clock and tried to force myself back to sleep. After tossing and turning I realized I was not getting back to sleep and looked at the time - 7:45. We're usually up around 7:00 if Grace is home, so I guess I slept in, right? Ah, well. I'm sitting in a quiet house having a cup of tea; B is snoring away. Looking forward to a nice Sunday breakfast, then spending the day with my family!

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