Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

I'm not big into Valentine's Day, but I had a great evening with people that I love!

B and I had our date night on Saturday (thanks to Zilla and Grampers) and B is working evenings this week so I didn't plan to do much today. Great Aunt Mary-Anne picked Grace up from daycare. They bought supper and were at the house when I got home. We had a nice supper, and Great Aunt Theresa came over too! Mary-Anne let Grace pick out a treat at the store and she threw a tray of mini cupcakes in the cart, so we gave her one for dessert! This girl loves her sweets, just like her mama. (Don't worry, we don't let her eat stuff like that all the time!)

It was a lovely evening with two of my wonderful aunties, and my favorite little lady! And despite the fact that we said we weren't buying each other anything, I came home to a dozen red roses from my amazing husband!

1 comment:

The Tompkins Family said...

Sounds perfect! My girl has a sweet tooth too!