Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Mike the Knight

A couple weekends ago, Uncle Mike and I took Grace and Maddox to a live show of Mike the Knight. Zilla had originally bought the tickets for her and I to take Grace and Anna, but I wasn't sure how Anna would do and decided it might be more fun for Grace and Maddo to go together. Grace just adores her big cousin and was so excited that he was coming with us! They both really enjoyed the show. As soon as the show was over Maddo said he loved it and couldn't wait to see another play! We had a quick bite to eat after the show and headed home, since it was a school night. Zilla and I will be taking Grace and Anna to see Dora later this month; we took Grace last year and I'm really excited to see what Anna thinks of the experience!

Before the show

Excited kiddos waiting for the show to start!

During the intermission Uncle Mike was slayed by Maddo the Knight and Princess Grace put a spell on him!

Getting some energy out during the intermission.

This picture still cracks me up. Instead of "cheese" I asked them to say "last day of March Break!"

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