Saturday, February 09, 2013

3 Months!

At 3 months:

  • Anna is smiling and cooing all the time. 
  • She absolutely loves her big sister. Grace gets the biggest smiles from her. Anna smiles just from hearing Grace's voice; it's so sweet. 
  • She will grasp and hang on to toys that we put in her hand. 
  • Daytime sleep is getting slightly better. We occasionally get 1-2 hour naps in the bassinet, but they are not the norm. Usually her longest naps are in the Beco. 
  • Nighttime sleep is still really good. She usually goes to bed around 8:00 and is up around 3:00 to eat, then sleep again until 5:30-6:00. We still have some nights where she is up multiple times.
  • She loves baths. We've starting using the big bathtub because she's getting too big for the baby tub. 
  • She likes to be a part of the action. She likes to be involved while Grace and I play, read, and dance during the day. She usually sits in her bouncy chair on the table while we eat supper. She really seems to enjoy going to Kindermusik, Wee Bears, and Friendsday. 
  • Her 0-3 month clothing is getting pretty tight. She mostly wears 3-6 now. 
  • She sucks on her fingers and/or thumb all the time. I can't wait till she can use them to self soothe!

1 comment:

The Tompkins Family said...

Her little rolls are pretty much the cutest thing ever!!!