Tuesday, November 08, 2011

A Terrific Tuesday

We had such a nice day today!

It was beautiful out (15 degrees!) so Auntie Murr and I went for a walk this morning. I left Grace home with B because it was nearing her nap time and I didn't want to have to wake her up to bring her inside if she fell asleep in the stroller. She put up a bit of a fight about going down for a nap (naps have been a little off since the time change) but went to sleep a little while after we got home. 

After the morning nap, Grace and I went shopping with Great Aunt MaryAnne. I picked up a Christmas present, and MA bought me some yoga pants. We then went out for lunch. Grace had a grilled cheese and I tried to share some of my chicken shish-kabob with her, but she wasn't interested. We took Grace to the Heart Shaped Pond to feed the ducks. She loved it! They came right up to her stroller until we ran out of crackers and the crusts from Grace's grilled cheese that we took with us! 

It wasn't anything wild and exciting but it was just a lovely day! Grace loves spending time with her birthday buddy, and I think MaryAnne had a good time too!

Gracie and her Great Aunt watching the ducks.
Yay! Duckies! 

Loving the duck pond!

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