Tuesday, September 23, 2014


We had such a great summer! We didn't have any major plans but certainly stayed busy. I just couldn't seem to find the time to update the blog. 

September has brought changes and new routines that we're all getting used to. Grace started school and I'm taking care of Madeline two days a week. We're all adjusting to earlier mornings, new nap schedules for the little kids, and packing the kids into the van twice a day to drop Grace off and pick her up at school. 

We are now in my favorite season! I love everything that comes along with Fall, especially jeans-and-hoodie weather. Here's a few photos from our weekend: 

Swinging with Aunt Theresa!

Anna is always flapping her "wings" lately when she's on the swing!

Reading Anna's favorite book

Snuggling with Aunt MaryAnne

Having a breakfast picnic!

Trail walk

Throwing sticks into the river

Watching Daddy's ball game with Wease!

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