Wednesday, June 13, 2012

18 Months!

Wow. I can't believe my baby is 1.5 years old! I didn't get around to doing a 17 month update (oops!) so here's some Gracie news from the past two months.

  • She is still a very happy, easy going baby toddler. (It still feels weird to call her a toddler!) 
  • Lucky for us, she still likes her sleep. She naps once a day, usually for about 2 hours and sleeps from around 7:30pm - 7:00am. 
  • She is a pretty good eater, and is starting to eat some veggies she didn't like before, like broccoli and bell peppers. She is still not a fan of eggs or potatoes, although she will eat a few french fries. 
  • She is such a chatterbox! She talks all day long and is constantly trying to mimic things we say. I can't even count how many words she has now. Some of the latest are oatmeal, noise, watermelon, and messy. She is also stringing words together to make short sentences - more milk, big scoop! (when eating anything with a spoon), up the stairs, have some? (when she wants whatever we're eating), and hold dat? (while pointing at something she wants). 
  • She can name and make the sounds of a cat, dog, cow, duck, pig, and birdie. She also knows the sounds of a sheep, monkey, snake, owl and wolf. If you ask her what a fish does she will make fishy lips, it's so cute. 
  • She knows the names of and can point to all her body parts. 
  • She has a great sense of humor and likes to be scared! If you sneak up on her and scare her she will jump, then laugh her head off. She also loves to play hide and seek, and will pop out from behind something and say "boo!"
  • She loves to dance! She likes to tap her foot, and she will copy what we're doing so we have fun trying to get her to do some crazy moves. 
  • She likes to sing and loves music in general. She will listen to Zilla play the guitar and then say "again!" when the song ends. She also loves to play the drums. She will now go to the cupboard, take out the plastic mixing bowls, line them up on the floor and then point to the counter where the wooden spoons are (her drumsticks) and say "dum?" until you pass them to her. 
  • She likes to play outside any chance she gets and loves going to the playground. The kid has no fear! She will launch herself down the big slides and laugh like a maniac. 
  • It's been a little while since we weighed her, but I think she is around 24 lbs. She wears size 18 month clothes, size 4 diapers, and size 4 shoes. She loves to wear hats lately and hates having clips in her hair. She will tolerate elastics unless she is in the car without enough stuff to occupy her, then she pulls it out. 

1 comment:

The Tompkins Family said...

She sounds delightful and so smart! You're doing a great job!