Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Anna Jean

We are so happy and excited to welcome another little girl into our family!

Anna was born on Friday, November 9th at 8:10am. I had a scheduled c section at the recommendation of my OB. After having an unplanned c section with Grace due to delivery not progressing after hours of pushing (which was mostly attributed to her size - 9lbs6oz) I had planned to try a VBAC this time. I first met with my OB in August and she said I was a good candidate for a VBAC but after just feeling around my belly for a minute she said "hmm, big baby." As the pregnancy progressed my OB and my doctor predicted that this baby would be as big or bigger than Grace. I was sent for an ultrasound at 38 weeks and the baby was estimated to be 8lbs9oz at that point. My OB told me it was ultimately my decision, but that there was a strong possibility that I would need a c section anyway. We decided to go ahead and schedule the surgery. It was strange knowing the day that our baby would be born.

At 3:30am on the morning of the 9th, I woke up with contractions; apparently baby was ready to come out anyway! We had to be at the hospital by 6am and with an hour drive since moving to our new house, we hit the road just before 5am. My contractions were 8-10 minutes apart on the drive there and manageable. I was prepped for the surgery and Brian was given his scrubs to put on. The surgery was scheduled for 7:30am and we walked into the operating room right on time. It was such a different experience. When Grace was born, the surgery is a bit of a blur. I was exhausted after a weekend of labour and hours of pushing and I don't remember a lot of details of the c section, except for when she was actually brought into the world. This time, I was able to take it all in, we were chatting and joking with our nurses and doctor, and I wasn't as nervous about the whole thing.

The surgery was quick and we soon heard the beautiful sound of our baby crying. Our OB held her up for Brian to see and he excitedly said "we have another girl!" This was the best part of not knowing the sex of our baby in advance - having Brian announce it. He was right with her while she was cleaned up and held her beside me while the surgery was completed and I was stapled up.

We didn't know her name right away. It took us a little over a day to decide. We both really liked the name Anna and Jean is Brian's grandmother's name. I like the sound of Grace and Anna together.

Anna is absolutely beautiful. Her eyes are turning more blue from grey and she has brown hair. She has a sweet little nose and adorable chubby cheeks. She weighed 9lbs2oz (4 ounces smaller than Grace at birth) and she measured 53cm (1cm smaller than Grace).

We were able to go home on Sunday morning and we couldn't wait to get home to see Grace and settle in as a family of four.

One last belly picture!

Here she is!

Daddy and Anna
Getting to know each other. 
Having a nap with Dad

Going home!

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