Tuesday, November 11, 2014

We Remember

We took the girls to the cenotaph for the Remembrance Day ceremony today. It was a beautiful day and the place was packed; it was great to see such a big crowd there. The girls were amazing! They were respectful, quiet, and well behaved. They both even stayed quiet during the two minutes of silence.
Uncle Johnny, Baby Jack, Uncle Mike and Maddox laid the wreath for Grampy this year. I couldn't help but tear up a little remembering how incredibly proud I always felt watching Grampy march in to the cenotaph with the other veterans every year. We also couldn't help but laugh about the wreath falling over - last year our wreath had a broken stand and the boys had a hard time getting it to stay in place when they went up to lay it.
The girls were getting restless as more wreaths were being laid, so we left to go to the cemetery to lay our poppies on Grampy's grave. This has been our tradition since he passed away, instead of laying our poppies at the cenotaph after the service. Grampy was such a wonderful man and I am so thankful to have had him in my life.

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