Monday, November 03, 2014

Life Lately

I feel like we're all finally settling into our new routines. Between Brian starting his new job in August, Grace starting school and Madeline coming here a few times a week since September, it's been an adjustment for everyone. 

Grace loves school and is doing really well. I am amazed at the amount of French she has picked up in such a short time!
Anna misses having Grace around but enjoys having a chance to run the show! It's interesting to watch Anna and Lennan play together without Grace around and listen to their little conversations. 
Madeline has been doing great here. She naps well, loves watching the big kids and has gotten used to all the extra noise!
Brian is loving his new job, which is awesome. I miss having him at home but I am so glad he likes what he is doing and I know he is happy to be working again. 

Now that we've sort of found a new normal, we're going to find more time to do some projects around the house (we're planning to give Grace's room a makeover, finally take the border off the walls in the kitchen, which we've been talking about since we moved in, and reorganize the storage area in the basement). We had a fun Halloween and are gearing up for the girls' birthdays, and Christmas will be here before we know it! 

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