Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Earlier this year we put the train set away because Anna and Lennan just wanted to take the tracks apart, which made Grace extremely frustrated. We put all the trains and track away and just kept the table in the playroom and used it for building with Lego and playing with cars.
Last night Brian brought all the stuff out of the storage room and he and Grace set up the track and played with it for a while. This morning after dropping Grace off at school, I brought Anna and Lennan downstairs to play for a while. Lennan was pumped to see the trains and the track set up again, and the two of them started playing with it right away. They were playing so well, actually pushing the trains along the track and not fighting over who used which train, I decided to go upstairs to tidy up a bit and throw on a load of laundry. When I came back down, just a few minutes later, the train table looked like this:

Sigh. There were a few pieces of the track over at the play kitchen, and on the floor too. Oh well. Anna was quick to place the blame on Lennan but I'm sure he didn't act alone! 

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