Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Halloween 2014

I pulled out the box of old Halloween costumes a couple weeks ago and the girls have been wearing them around the house ever since. Grace consistently said she wanted to be a dinosaur again, like last year. We even went out shopping twice and she didn't choose a new costume, but wanted to stick with the dinosaur. A few days before Halloween I picked up a fairy costume, but the dress didn't fit properly and Grace got really frustrated when the wings wouldn't stay just the way she wanted them to. In the end, she insisted on wearing her owl costume from 2 years ago. She took it to school on Friday and was very excited to tell her teacher that she was dressed as "un hibou."
We went out trick-or-treating and just visited family again this year. Uncle Johnny and Auntie Becky had cute little Halloween buckets for the girls, filled with treats, coloring books, crayons and temporary tattoos. We stopped in to see Zilla at the Birches, then went to see GG and Aunt Jam, and stopped at Zilla and Bampers' house on the way home. Anna was exhausted by the end of the night, considering we were out until 8 o'clock and she is usually in bed between 6:30 and 7:00 but she was still in good spirits! I told Brian that next year we should dress up as a family... I'll have to keep an eye out for ideas for a family costume!

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