Friday, November 07, 2014

Summer Recap 2014 (Part 3)

We went to Oaklawn Farm Zoo, which the girls loved! It was a beautiful day, and not too hot. We had a rough start... Anna tripped and fell right as we were about to go in but luckily she brushed it off quickly. The girls loved the pony ride and feeding the goats!

We visited Cape Breton too! We stayed in the camper at Irene and Daryl's and Grace was so excited to sleep in her special bed again. We spent lots of time in the pool, visited the farm across the road, went to the beach, and fed the ducks at Alvina's. The girls slept great the whole time we were there because they were worn out from so much fun!

We also had lots of fun around here! The girls spent lots of time playing in their little pool, running through the sprinkler, driving their bikes and scooter in the basketball court, and playing at the playground. We swam at the lake a lot and Grace did a few weeks of swimming lessons. She did great and loved swimming out to the dock. She was still often hesitant to jump in but I even managed to get her to jump in without me catching her, wearing her life jacket but she would go right under the water if I didn't catch her. She became a lot more confident in the water so we're planning to put her back in lessons next year.

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