Monday, November 24, 2014

Birthday Celebrations, Round 2

We spent last weekend in Cape Breton, celebrating the girls' birthdays with Brian's side of the family! It would be fun to have one big party with both of our families, but it would be hard to pull off. Doing it this way has its benefits too - the girls get to see lots of family on both sides and get to have two parties!
It was great to see everyone and we had a lovely dinner. Chantal and Alvina brought over all the gear to make milk carton snowmen with Grace; she loved it and they turned out so cute! They also made up some goop for her to play with, which is always a favorite (Anna wanted nothing to do with it, of course). They surprised the girls with an amazing Frozen cake, complete with Elsa and Ana dolls in it! Anna was a little off, from the long drive and then missing her nap. She was cranky at suppertime but Uncle Rob won her over with some Frozen videos on his phone. She wasn't even interested in opening her gifts! She just wanted to snuggle with him and watch a movie. We're so thankful for all of the lovely, thoughtful gifts the girls received and for being able to spend time with our wonderful families.

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