Thursday, May 16, 2013


The girls are both sick. To be honest, I'm not sure if they both have colds or if they're both feeling miserable due to teething. Grace is working on her last 2 molars and Anna doesn't have any teeth yet, but has been a drooling machine for a couple months now and chewing everything in sight. They both have runny noses and just aren't feeling themselves.

Grace has been sick off and on for over a week; the fact that it comes and goes makes me think it's probably her teeth, rather than a cold. Anna just started with the runny nose and crankiness over the last 2 days. She was up every 2 hours last night, and almost every hour the night before. For someone who is not the greatest sleeper to begin with, this does not help matters.

I hate seeing them sick! I hope these teeth hurry up and come through and/or this cold leaves us soon!

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