Dis big sister is so done! - after finishing supper.
I don't know where it is, honey! - she likes to call me honey, sweetie, or darling lately.
Oh you found it! I was worried!
Mike: Is Magnum handsome?
Grace: *looks around* It's windy today.
Come on, ladies! Let's take a ride! - as we were leaving the grocery store.
That's a good deal, Carmen.
No screaming in the house, Anna! You can sing, talk, or laugh but no screaming! Got it? She got it!
Grace: I'm pooping.
Me: Let's go to the potty!
Grace: No! I don't want to sit on the potty!
Me: Why not?
Grace: Because it's my birthday.
Row, row, row your boat, gently down the street!
Once upon a time, a girl jumped in a BIG puddle!
Once upon a time, a teddy bear walked down the street.
(These are her go-to story starters)
"Let's have cake. Cut some! I have a knife in my purse." (After we sang Happy Birthday in the car).
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