Thursday, November 29, 2012


Anna, like her sister, is a noisy sleeper. She grunts, sighs, snorts, and just generally makes noise in her sleep. It's kind of cute, but it keeps us, well... Brian, awake. I'm finding that this time around, I can sleep through a lot of the sleep noises and just wake up when I need to. Brian is such a light sleeper he wakes up at every little sound Anna makes.
Grace was the same way, which is why she was in her crib in her own room at 3 weeks old. We don't have that option with Anna because she and Grace will be sharing a room. When we moved to the new house we decided that the kids will share a room and we made the extra bedroom a playroom. The plan was/is to keep Anna in our room until she is sleeping longer stretches at night so Grace's sleep is not affected.
I find it funny because most people I know have the opposite problem - their husbands don't wake up even when the kids are screaming and crying!

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