Grace is an amazing big sister. She is adjusting really well to having this new little baby in the house. Throughout my pregnancy she liked to rub my belly and talk to the baby and she was always very gentle. We weren't entirely sure how she would take to the new addition, but she's doing awesome.
Zilla and Grampers brought her in to see us in the hospital on Saturday morning. By the time she got there I no longer had an IV or catheter in, and was moving around again well. She hopped right up on the bed with Anna and I and said "Hi baby sister!" She tickled Anna's feet and gave her a kiss on the head. We had a Big Sister present from Anna waiting for her with a coloring book, crayons, stickers, and a Big Sister t-shirt. On her way out of the hospital she was also given a new book and a blanket! Brian and I were a bit worried that she would get upset when she had to leave and we couldn't come with her, but she was quite content to leave with Grampers.
Since bringing Anna home, Grace has been so sweet with her. She looks for her as soon as she gets up in the morning and says "where Anna? I go see her!" She loves to give her kisses, and tries to comfort her when she cries. "It's ok, Anna!" She is generally quite gentle, but has given Anna a few pats on the head that have been a bit rough, but as soon as we remind her she gives her a gentle touch and kiss. I can't wait to see how their relationship develops!
Gracie meeting her baby sister for the first time. |
Proud big sister! |
Kisses! |
Tickle tickle! |
Checking on Anna while she naps. |
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