My baby is already 5 months old! Since I'm just starting this blog, I think a post introducing our little Gracie is in order.
- Grace was born on Monday, December 13, 2010. She was 10 days overdue.
Two days old |
- She shares her birthday with her Great Aunt Mary-Anne, who is also my Godmother. Grace loves Mary-Anne. She is always so full of smiles for her, and looks at her in such a way that you can feel the love. I don’t really know how to explain it, but you can just see it and feel it. I like to think they have a special bond.
- She is a very content baby. She pretty much only cries when she is hungry or overtired.
- She is a great sleeper – she has been sleeping through the night since she was 2 months old (sleeping from 9pm to 5am) and has been sleeping for 11-12 hours a night since she was about 3 months old.
- Grace loves music, especially listening to Granzilla play guitar and sing to her. Granzilla is my Mom. When I was pregnant we talked about what my Mom and Dad would be called as grandparents. Dad didn’t care (he's now known as Grampers), but Mom wanted something different, not the usual Nanny or Gramma. So, Granzilla it is! Or Zilla for short.
- She’s a thumbsucker. She also likes to suck on her middle and ring finger. Looks like she is doing the devil horns.
Rock on! |
- Since finding her feet, she likes to suck on her toes as well.
- She loves baths. Loves to kick and splash around and she doesn’t mind when she splashes water all over her face.
- She loves being outside and going for walks.
Little Miss Gracie |
So, that's my little Gracie - in a nutshell. More to come!
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