I started writing this on Friday, but it's being posted in the wee hours of Saturday morning.

- Wow, this week has flown by! Thankfully, we're finally getting some nice weather so we've been out walking more again. I walked more with Grace in the middle of winter than I have the last few weeks that it's been raining.
- Last weekend Auntie M babysat on Friday night and Grace spent the night with Granzilla and Grampers on Saturday. It's nice to be able to go out and not have to worry at all, because I know I'm leaving her with people who love her just as much as I do!
- We took Grace swimming on Tuesday. It was her second time in the pool and she loved it just as much as the first! We grabbed one of the little floaters they have at the pool and sat Grace in it so we could pull her around. She looked so small and cute! She had a nice, long nap when we got home; the little goober was tuckered out.
- It's time to start shopping for a big girl car seat! Grace is getting too heavy to carry around in the infant seat.
- We had our second baby sign language class today. Gracie fussed a little towards the end because she was tired, but overall she was a little angel. I actually remember some of the songs this time so we'll be singing and signing at home!
- Great Aunt T ran the 5km in the Bluenose Marathon last Sunday. We are so proud of her!
- Grace is becoming more mobile. She's rolling a lot more, and when she's on her tummy she can wiggle herself around to face where she wants to. Now she is starting to pull her legs up under her and sticking her bum up in the air.
- Grace had her first taste of sweet potatoe last night. It was messy, but she liked it :)
- Find more leftovers here.
stopping by from FNL... my youngest is 4 months old... I can relate... and I can't wait to get her in the pool.
I wish we had done a sign language class. Of course, my girls were so stubborn, I don't know that we could have persuaded them to cooperate!
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