Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Wildlife Park

We went to the Wildlife Park last week and had such a great day! Grace was so excited to see all of the animals. Anna and Lennan weren't quite as into it, of course, but had a great time. No whining, no tears, everyone was happy = a successful trip! 

We saw a peacock as soon as we got there. The peacocks wander around all over the place so the whole time we were there we were talking about how we hoped to see one of the peacocks show his feathers. It took us a couple hours to walk through the park and when we got back to the information center, just as we were about to leave, one of the peacocks decided to show off! 

And we're off!

A peacock was the first thing we saw. We were hoping to see one open up his feathers!

Anna and Lennan looking pretty cranky. They had fun, I swear!

Daddy and Grace checking out some animals

Some aggressive birds wanted our snacks!

Keeping our distance from the geese

Saw another peacock but he didn't open his feathers


The bears were sleeping

Coming to the end of the park

Just as we were about to leave, this happened! Beautiful!

Grace was so excited, she yelled "You did it, peacock! Good job!"

He walked around in circles for a minute. Grace laughed and said "Stop showing us your bum!"

I tried to get her to go a little closer to take a picture but she wasn't having it. 

We had lunch then spent some time at the playground before heading home

Lennan slightly amused


One tired little girl

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