Thursday, December 19, 2013

An Update: Potty Training Success

I wrote about potty training back in June when we were a few days into it. I realized I never mentioned it again on here and I might want to look back on it when the time comes to potty train Anna!

Potty training with Grace was ... incredibly easy! I still can't believe how easy it was. One day she said she didn't want to wear diapers again and she never looked back. She went about a week wearing a pull-up overnight and when we went out, then we started going without the pull-up for short trips. Once she started waking up dry for a few days in a row, we stopped using a pull-up at night.

I'm not even exaggerating when I say she was day trained pretty much immediately. She has never had a poop accident, and only a few minor pee accidents, which were mostly just her peeing a little bit in her underwear while she told us she had to go and was running to the bathroom!

Since we were potty training in the summer, we were out a lot. A lot of what I had read suggested to camp out at home for days or a week to make sure the child really got the hang of using the potty or toilet. I didn't want to spend a week of our summer stuck at home, so we just did our thing. Grace had no problem using public washrooms (although she is not a fan of loud hand driers, and had an incident with an automatic flushing toilet that flushed while she was still on it that freaked her out a bit). She was quite excited to use the outhouse at the camp, and didn't even mind using the little outhouses at the ball field when we went to watch Daddy's games.

We're so proud of Grace! She potty trained like a champ! I am pretty sure it won't be this easy with Anna, but we'll see...  

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