Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Two Months!

Time seems to be flying by even faster the second time around! What's new with Anna over the past month:
  • She started smiling! Grace gets smiles from her so easily; all she has to do is look at her or say "Hi Anna!" and Anna is all smiles. 
  • She's more content after eating. We had been supplementing with formula since she was a few days old but when we went to formula full time, we found she was gassy and uncomfortable too often. At our doctor's suggestion we tried probiotic drops. What a difference! I was amazed. We also switched to a lower iron formula. We've seen a huge improvement and she is much happier!
  • Anna sleeps great at night but hardly sleeps at all during the day. She is the queen of the 10 minute nap. This is frustrating at times because I feel guilty that I can't give Grace very much one on one time. But, she does give us a 6-7 hour stretch of sleep at night so I guess we can't complain too much.
  • She sleeps great in the bassinet at night but will not sleep there during the day. This remains a mystery.  
  • She likes to be held. A lot. 
  • She loves being in the Beco now. Almost too much. If she naps at all during the day, it's usually in the Beco. 
  • She's enjoying tummy time more since we started the probiotics and her tummy issues have gone away. 
  • She is trying so hard to suck her thumb and/or fingers. I'm actually hoping she figures it out soon because she refuses to take a soother (we've tried several different types) and the sooner she can self-soothe, the better! 
  • She's already outgrowing some of her 0-3 month clothes and is moving into size 2 diapers.

1 comment:

The Tompkins Family said...

She is absolutely adorable!