Sunday, December 09, 2012

One Month!

Our littlest is one month old already!

Anna is getting bigger and brighter by the day. She is quite content, for the most part. She is staying awake for longer periods during the day, and is starting to sleep better and better at night. For the past few nights, she's slept from around 9pm to 3am, and goes back to sleep after eating for another couple hours. Not bad!
Her eyes have gotten much more blue and her hair is a bit darker than Grace's was at this age. It will be interesting to see if hers lightens up and turns blonde like Grace!
Anna is quite strong and will hold her head up for several seconds at a time when she's on her tummy. Sometimes she likes tummy time, sometimes she hates it. She likes to be held and lately prefers to be held so that she is facing out to see what's going on. I love seeing her turn towards Grace's voice.
When we left the hospital she had lost almost a pound, but as of a week ago Friday she was up to 9lbs 8oz. Our doctor had no concerns and we don't have to go back until her 2 month appointment.
She's in size 1 diapers, having skipped the newborn size, and has grown out of the few newborn sleepers she had!

Naturally, Grace wanted to get in a laundry basket too!

She drug the basket over and climbed in. 


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