It's safe to say I failed at updating weekly about this pregnancy. I suppose a weekly update may have been kind of boring. It's been a fairly smooth ride, with no major issues. I've been tired a lot lately, as can be expected, and my back and hips get sore if I am on my feet for too long at a time. I absolutely love feeling Baby kick and punch, and watching my belly move around.
For the most part, my cravings throughout this pregnancy were similar to my pregnancy with Grace. I can't get enough cereal. Not a certain type, so I stick to the less sugary ones, but I crave the crunchy texture with the milk. Speaking of milk, I wouldn't even want to guess how many liters of milk I've drank. Brian is a big milk drinker anyway, so between the 2 of us we go through several 4 liter jugs of milk per week. I've craved sweets a lot more this time around, and Pepsi. We never have pop in the house so I treat myself to a can of Pepsi when we go to my parents' house.
I went for an ultrasound today. Because I've been planning to try a VBAC, my OB wanted to see how big this baby is. At 38 weeks, Baby is 8lbs 9oz. (This could be off by up to a pound either way). My OB said Baby is "huge" and she anticipates that he/she will be close to 10lbs by my due date. Eeep! I'll be seeing my GP tomorrow and we'll discuss our plan. I won't be induced because I've had a previous c section, so Baby has more time to grow! Since I am already considered full term and Baby is full developed, s/he has nothing to do now but gain weight.
I haven't been feeling the nesting urge with this pregnancy at all. Likely because I'm tired after hanging out with a toddler all day. Baby 2.0 will be bunking in our room for the first while, then Grace will be sharing her room with her brother or sister so we didn't have a nursery to prepare. We did bring the bassinet up from the basement and washed it all up. We also got the swing and bouncy seat that we had been storing at Great Gramma's.
We can't wait to meet this little bambino and we're anxious to find out if Baby is a boy or a girl!
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