Thursday, September 20, 2012

Wee Bears

Since we moved and I stopped working, I've been trying to get Grace and I involved in more things in our community. Grace loved the dayhome she was in and I want to give her as much interaction with other kids as possible.
We've been going to a weekly drop-in group, and today we started Wee Bears; an early learning parent & child interactive program. It's put on by our local family resource association and (bonus) it's free! Grace absolutely loved it! Lots of new toys to play with during the free play time, an activity or craft (today was coloring; they kept it low key for the first day but next week we're making puppets!) and circle time with stories and songs. The ladies who run it are lovely. They read Grace's favorite book: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? and sang some songs that she knew. She likes songs with actions so she was hopping, clapping, and stomping along!
We came home and had lunch and she settled down for a nap really easily. She was tuckered out from all the excitement! I'm looking forward to going each week.

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