My plan was to have it out so Grace could get used to it. She absolutely loves sitting on it. I didn't take off her pants or diaper because, well, I wasn't really thinking we were potty training yet. (I'm still not sure if we are!)
Yesterday, she was sitting on the potty but kept standing up saying "diaper off" and "poop." It was just before bath time and we usually let her run around naked for a little while before her bath anyway, so I took off her diaper. She was back and forth to the potty a few times, then started peeing on the floor a few feet away! I sat her back down on the potty and she finished her pee there. We clapped and cheered and she was very proud of herself!
A few minutes later, she ran back to the potty and sat down. I gave her a book to read (mostly because I thought it was funny/cute to see such a little person sitting on the 'toilet' reading) and she pooped! We made a big deal out of it and she was clapping along with us and pointing at the poop!
Today, just before bath time, she again started peeing on the floor but stopped and headed over to the potty, where she finished her pee. She stood up and said "I did it!" It was so cute.
I'm really not sure if these 2 instances are just flukes, but we'll see what happens! I'm not going to push the potty training because I really didn't expect to be doing it this early, but if she wants to use the potty we'll make it available for her!
we're showing potty signs over this way too... it's a big scary haha.
Yay Grace!!
Way to go, Grace!!
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